Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Day! Weighed in this morning and lost exactly what I had gained last week: 1.8 pounds. That means I'm maintaining the 71 lb. loss and am back to 127.08. I think my plan to go to WW every two weeks--unless I gain, in which case I'll revert back to a weekly weigh-in--is a good one.
Wonder if my legion of readers (yeah, sure) think I'm concentrating too much on keeping my weight loss gains (you understand that, now don't you?). However, I believe such vigilance is absolutely essential to avoid back-sliding. I don't record what I eat or how much I exercise--I didn't even do that very conscientiously when I was on the WW regime--but I know I must continue to monitor the weight itself.
And don't gimme that "I haven't lost pounds, I've lost inches," which is just another fatty's excuse. Good grief, you can't "lose inches" indefinitely. Presumably, people mean they exercise enough to tighten up their skin or something. Hey, you'd have to train like an Olympian to do that at any age, and believe me, once you're over the half-century mark, no amount of exercise is going to eliminate the full-body sag. (I should know.)
Anyway, I'm pleased about the above. It may have been helped along by my baby-sitting for adorable kiddies. Actually, I shouldn't say either "baby" (one is 6) or "sitting," as I barely stood still, let alone sat all day (other's an active, inventive, and curious 1--'nuff said).
After their parents and their two friends left for A.C., we walked to the pool; none of us drowned, although baby may have tried to arrange that. Got home and changed, then zipped off to the library which has a nice children's area. Both boys loved the ramp, which they jumped off happily (one step high) into a pile of puffy animals.
We then went to the park. Baby refused to wear his sandals, so walked on the wood chips barefooted, but it didn't seem to bother him. It was after 5:00 then and I had to get Pat's medication, so we went back home. The little one took a short nap (thank heavens!) and big brother and I played Go Fish. After baby woke up, I gave the boys and Pat a quick, pulled-together dinner and had a Boca burger myself. The kids then pulled out most of the toys and we all played with various things, including a bizarre laughing doll that absolutely intrigued the little guy.
J., J., and entourage came in about 7:00 and stayed an hour or so, chatting, then pack up all the equipment (stroller, Port-A-Crib, high chair, bathing suits, diapers, wipes, etc., etc.) and we said goodbye.
I swear, if I was still my 204 pound self, I would have collapsed halfway into the day. As it was, I cleaned up (toys were strewn from one end of the house to the other), enjoyed my popcorn and wine, then happily went to bed.
Am I ready to do it again? Absolutely. Soon? Uh...I'll get back to you on that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...