Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Had a heavily "plant day" yesterday, aside from breakfast, of course. Ate a large salad for lunch, plus a big bowl of beautiful broccoli. Later, during my 4:30 slump, I enjoyed a serving (10 or 12 ounces, I guess) of the Brussels sprouts I had just picked up at Tucker Tom's. Gave Pat a pork chop, applesauce, and corn for dinner, but decided for myself to take advantage of the lucious Jersey peaches I bought at Dawn's on Monday. Cut up two of them and combined them with a slice of comely cantaloupe (I'm getting sick of this alliteration!) and the fresh beets I had just roasted.
Hey, it wasn't a "balanced" (in the sense of including various food groups) meal, but looking at the day over all, it was nutritous (and delicious) vegetarian fare. As a half-hearted gesture toward protein, I interrupted Pat to cut off for myself just one small bite of his breaded pork chop. It was heavenly to taste, but so were my veggies and fruit.
Even more heavenly, of course, are my size 8 jeans...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...