Friday, May 09, 2008

Yahoo, I finally got into my blog here in California! Got into LAX about 7 last night, Ellen was right there and we got to her place about 9:30. Love the townhouse, although it still needs work. Slept like a log, Ellen went to work today, and Betty came over before noon. El was kind enough to fill my grocery list requests and I had broccoli and yams, Betty the same with a sandwich. Later, we put out some of Mike's and Paula's stuff in the garage, then went to the 99 cent store--a great place!--and got lots of stuff. Betty left about 4:00, Mike called/web cammed from San Francisco and I talked to precious Vivian; they were on their way to cousin Maureen's and others of Uncle Frank's family. I then called Pat and web cammed later, seeing Alison. Just now, am waiting for Ellen to get home, then we're going out for Chinese. Love California!


Ellen said...

Well,this is infuriating! Again,I can't seem to get in my blog as the blogger--can only comment. Can't remember how, so will have to see if Ellen can help when she gets up. Nothing much to add to yesterday, except we did indeed go out for Chinese last night. I got sweet and sour shrimp, taking half home, and enjoyed a light beer, too. Today, we'll set up the rest of the yard sale.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't keep up with you! Will you be seeing any movie stars in CA? Please, please, can I have your autograph "RM"? Send me a pic of you and your friends relaxing by the pool :)

Karen from new jersey


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...