Monday, May 19, 2008

Hokay, you all, I'm back. Got picked up on the dot at 4:15 and delivered to LAX with more than two hours to spare. That was all right, as I quickly checked in, then got a Starbucks bagel and coffee. Took my Ativan anti-anxiety pills (actually anti-extreme-terror-so-I-want-to-jump-out-of-the- plane-pills) and this time took two (1 mg each) right off the bat. Would like my cautious medical readers (Pat and Betty!) to know they helped--but barely. I was still a tad nervous, but made it all right.
Alison picked me up promptly, and we sped off to God's Country. On the way, she called the King's Wok for takeout and we picked it up before we got home. A. had made Pat a lovely beef stew and he was happy with that. My darling girl--well, she's a grandmother twice over, but so what?--had the whole house shining, even though she had worked all week, cared for her dad, and got some runs in, too (but only of eight or ten miles, so no biggies).
We ate, Alison left, and I put a few things away before settling down with my lovely popcorn and wine for an hour. Jumped in the shower, then talked to D.D. II to assure her I got home okay. Turned in about 9:00 and read a few minutes, then slept the sleep of the dea--uh, the sleep of the just--soundly, all night. Got up at the incredibly late hour of 7:30--practically the middle of the afternoon--full of piss and vinegar (geesh, that's a hideous saying!)--ready to face the day and the life.

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