Saturday, May 17, 2008

Caught the Telephone Avenue bus again yesterday. Hung out in Barnes & Noble, sampling the merchandise, but bought only Newsweek. Checked out the salad offerings from various eateries and settled on a Cobb salad (delicious!) from the Urban Cafe. Sat at a table outside and ate part of it, luxuriating in the California sunshine; saved the rest for later.
I had gone early, and got home about 3:00. Emptied the dishwasher and putzed around doing this and that, then put on my suit and went to the pool. I chose a different one from the last, as I didn't want to meet up with the conspiracy guy from Thursday. Pool a little cool, but I went in anyway, then enjoyed the hot tub.
Called Pat and chatted for a few minutes--all okay there. Called Ellen, who was still working in her classroom to prepare for next week. She didn't get home until 7:00 after stopping for takeout. After we ate, she called the police, then went to the spa for the hot tub, which I skipped, having already been.
Ha, ha! I slipped in the police thing to wake you up! It's true, though. Ellen's double bedroom windows overlook an apartment complex in the back and some kid has been rehearsing his heavy metal band there on weekend evenings. The noise is deafening and, I'm no expert, but I say the music is lousy. Anyway, cops came, a discussion ensued, and the band didn't play on, I'm happy to say.
This is my last day in Paradise--sob! Will set Ellen's alarm for 3 am tomorrow to be ready for my 4:15 pickup.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...