Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ultra quiet Saturday. After our walk and breakfast, I drove to Home Depot and got a sturdy spade, a huge bag of peat moss, and a roll of chicken wire to keep the bunnies out of my garden. Had intended to put the stuff in the ground, but the weather was so dark, overcast, and chilly--my least favorite--I decided to wait.
Stopped at Mary Ann Van O.'s to drop off a container of my crystal pickles and ask about Bart. Was surprised to hear he's now in Arcadia (rehab), as she and her family refused to accept home hospice. Mary Ann is much heartened by this turn of events, although I think she recognizes he is still on the cusp. She told me he has to struggle to eat and weighs only 112 pounds. Hope he's tempted by the pickles.
Aside from that, a trip to the library and domestic chores were the order of the day. Gave Pat pot roast for dinner and I had tilapia. Slow and quiet, but an okay day.

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Washed the linens during breakfast and changed the bed after. Even after all this time, I'm still grateful for the washer and dryer in m...