Sunday, April 06, 2008

The hike yesterday was so good. It took me only about twenty minutes to drive to Batsto and meet up with leader Joe and about 30 others. We went around the beautiful, very secluded Mullica Lake, and along rough and sand trails. Christine, an long-time OCNJ leader, pointed out pixie moss (really in the heath family) and trailing arbutus, both flowering already. The weather was fabulous: sunny and so unseasonably warm I had to carry my coat part of the way. After a brisk 5 miles, we ate lunch (a big salad and water for me) at picnic tables under the trees. Just love this group!
Got home by 1:00 while Pat was having lunch. After he went to the bay, I went to Kohl's looking for slacks. Gathered some nice ones, all size 14, but to my chagrin (ho-ho, like fun!), they were all too big. I'm now in a 12 petite.
Talked to Alison later to tell her about the hike. She and Mike ran in an Allentown race yesterday--a ten miler--and came in second and first, respectively, in their categories. They then ran the eight miles home. She told me they're going on an OCNJ hike next Saturday and I said I'd join them if I weren't already committed to the Freedom Fields hike with Leslie. "Hmm," she replied, "It's a marathon hike--26.5 miles."
Think I'll just skip that one.
Later: Missed Weight Watchers yesterday because of the hike, so impulsively went today through a driving rain. Lost another pound and am now at 136.6 with a total of 63 pounds off.

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