Sunday, April 20, 2008

Darn! I got up at 4:20, too early, but I was wide awake. No biggie, but I prefer 5:00, my usual.
Cleaned the laundry room yesterday, to the extent of clearing the two shelves over the washer and dryer. Put a lot of things aside to donate, including a blender (never use it and I have another), and various vases.
Alison called on their way home from Virginia. She finished eighth in her category and Mike fifth, good times for them. After the race, they went to Monticello, which was beautiful in early spring, with tulips and flowering trees abloom. Today, she's coming down and we'll discuss plans for our fiftieth anniversary celebration. My guest list is up to 79--aagh!--but I'm going to pare it down.
Gorgeous day yesterday and I should have been outside gardening, but just wasn't. Did a lot of wash and other chores instead, and took an "extra" (besides our morning) walk.

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Did a color wash during breakfast, ate, then pulled together the little verse for Duane and his gal (and her father). Wrapped it, made lunch...