Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Years ago--probably 30 years or so--there was a "Twilight Zone" show about the world heating up. A young woman lives in the city, she has an encounter with a man who wants to steal her ice (or water or something), there's a middle-aged landlady, and a doctor, and the mercury in themometer is shown going up and up and finally, it shoots out the top of the themometer, and the girl collapses. Fade out.
Well, THAT'S what it felt like today. Actually, in the T.V. show, the ending had the girl waking up in bed after her collapse, being tended by the landlady and the doctor. Doc says sadly he won't be coming to see her anymore, as he's taking his family and moving to Florida.
Florida!?! Yep, the payoff is, the world is really going into a new ice age! The camera pans over to the window and we see ice and snow piled high, the ultimate blizzard...
What's that got to do with this blog? Well, it's incredibly hot out. Not sure what the temp is, but it's extremely humid. Oh yes, there's a breeze, but it's a hot one. (I just read a NYTimes blog to the effect that Al Gore is controlling the weather and he set this up just to get to the White House, re "An Inconvenient Truth.")
Pat went to the cardiologist today, who didn't contribute much. He thinks his heart's okay and he's probably right, but wants him to get yet more blood tests and see a circulation doctor (I didn't know there were any.)
After, we had lunch, then Pat went to the bay and I went to Kohl's, where I got new sneaks, a bath rug, and a pack of ten white wash cloths. (I like to change them every day.) I then went to Shop-Rite and got lots of stuff, including things I hope Mike likes for dinner, as he'll be here tomorrow--yay!
Brother Jim just sent me a copy of a letter Uncle Tom sent our father in 1938. It concerned the sale of some of the Domino Lane farmland. How touching and poignant it was to read. "Oh, lost, and by the wind grieved/Ghost, come back again." That's by Thomas Wolfe, and is one of my favorite quotes. Just yesterday, I saw another, which immediately became one of my favorites, ,too: "You think their dying is the worse thing that could happen. Then they stay dead." (Donald Hall in "Distressed Haiku.")

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