Sunday, August 27, 2006

On our morning walk, I told Susan how much Larry enjoyed the muffins and she sent her husband, Walter, over with 3 more. After breakfast, Larry asked if I wanted to take a walk and I did. We went down Center Street, but then onto a dirt road that led us to Cranberry Creek. Long walk, I think about 4 miles.
Jim got here a little before noon, then Larry took all four of us to lunch at Mama Mecurio's. After, we went to the Tuckerton Historical Society to find out more about the 820 foot "Wireless" antenna. They had lots of material and a knowledgeable volunteer; the men liked it, but I prefer the schoolroom attached.
Later, we enjoyed the priceless memorabilia Jim had brought. Niece Joan lent it to him and he's guarding it with his life: Sister Gene's baby book (she was born in 1924), high school yearbook, and--best of all--her diary from 1939 to 1942. I loved reading about her young life--it's so funny and poignant and it includes references to so many friends and relatives, almost all of whom we knew. Pat's brother, John, who graduated with her from Holy Spirit (class of '42) was mentioned several times. I hadn't realized they knew each other. Gene tells about taking "the babies" (that's Betty and me, folks) to the beach, and buying Jimmy a birthday present that cost her a whole dime, and goes into great detail about her crushes on various boys. There are pictures of her in the yearbook of course, including one on the cheerleading team. She was so young and fresh and buoyant then, so eagerly embracing life. Time is a thief.
Jim and I had a glass or two of wine before dinner. Larry went to Jack's for dinner and I just served salad and cold cuts, as none of us were hungry after our big lunch at Mama's. Took a shower, sipped another product of the grape (my favorite cream sherry), then went happily to bed, looking forward to the reunion.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...