Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Had a great day yesterday. Alison and Joely came down about two and we went first to Parkertown beach--a disaster--then to Bass River to swim, then out to dinner.
Pat went with us to Parkertown, as you can park right at the beach and he could sit under the pavilion. Besides us, there was only a young woman and a little boy there, and they left shortly. So did we, after about 20 minutes, as 1. the beach and into the water were so rocky it hurt our feet to walk on it (we kept our shoes on--and mine were just regular shoes); 2. in the water, it felt like quicksand because our feet sank into it if we stood still for two seconds; and 3. worst of all, the flies were horrible. There were hordes of them, little black stinging flies that left welts on all of us. They clung to our feet and legs and the rest of our bodies. I hadn't thought to bring OFF! but Pat said he had some in the trunk. Well, yeah, he did, but it must have been manufactured in 1902--when I tried to spray it on, it barely just spit out and, far from repelling the flies, seemed to attract them like sugar water. Anyway, we soon left, Pat going down the bay, and the rest of us to Bass River where we had a wonderful time playing in the sand and water.
We quickly changed when we got home (without bothering with showers), then went to Dynasty Diner for a lovely dinner (I had a buffalo burger and a Coors Light). Pat was able to get up the incline of the diner all right and we left his walker in the car.
It was such a nice day. I hadn't seen Joely since his birthday party in June and, of course, it's always wonderful to be with our darling daughter. Four years old, Joely is a delight with the usual four-year-old love for silly jokes and word games. He's shy and hesitant in new situations, but is usually able to adapt fairly quickly. He starts pre-school in a few weeks and I got him a Spiderman backpack and notebook, etc. which he enjoyed, after initially being somewhat indifferent.
Pat goes to the mysterious vascular doctor today, so back to the medical grind, but yesterday was super.
Getting my HORRIBLE HAIR cut tomorrow, so hope I'll soon look less like Wolfman's woman on speed.
Lots more stuff coming up soon, but will comment in another blog.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...