Sunday, February 12, 2006

Update after the entry below: Mike just called from Newark Airport. When they got there, they found Patrick's flight has been postponed--to 6 pm! Aagh--they could have stayed several more hours. Oh, well, they made it and are safe.
Spoke to Larry and Jim. L. and Helen will stay over until tomorrow. I invited them for dinner and, if roads are okay, they'll come. I'll serve the shrimp I didn't have last night and have plenty of other stuff. Jim (he, Therese and Chrissy at B and B nearby) said they'd play it by ear to see how roads are. Called Joannie and Jim. They made it home to Virginia all right, although the last hour was through snow; said they had 13 inches down there. Not sure what we had--maybe that much; the Weather Channel said 8 to 12 inches total. It seems to have stopped now. Talked to Alison, who said they had a lot. Ellen won't get in until 3 am after her 6 pm flight, so probably won't try teaching school tomorrow. Alison and Mike are off tomorrow, due to Washington's birthday--why isn't Ellen?

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Washed sheets, changed the bed, showered and washed my hair before breakfast. Ate, then fussed around with this and that. I paid the water b...