Thursday, February 02, 2006

Gee-e-e-sh! Yesterday, I re-read my blog entries from beginning to end. NO WONDER I've been flirting with the same 2 pounds or so, on and off (more "on" than "off," I'm afraid). When I read over what I've been eating, especially at night, it's a wonder I'm not back up to well over 200. I must break this cycle--must, must, must concentrate on 20 pounds to London!
Now, yesterday was a good day. Had my standard breakfast of a cup of cottage cheese on two pieces of WW toast, then just broccoli and a handful of pretzels for lunch. Went to Boscov's (got elegant boots to wear with my gaucho pants, plus a pair of flats--they were having a sale), then to Party City (disposable tableware for the party after the party for Pat) and ran a few other errands. Stopped at the new Shop 'n' Bag that just opened in Little Egg and found FF Redi-Whip; naturally, I bought it. Got home in time to make sugar-free Jello and put pork chops in the oven to bake. I had a small one with a medium potato, with about a half cup of peas and spoonful of applesauce. I then went out to Actor's Workshop and got home at 9:15. Here's the big news (well, for me it's big, I don't live a very exciting life): I had the Jello with FF Redi-Whip when I got home, NOT wine and popcorn or pretzels! Hey, that's good, not bad and, even with this lousy cold--yes, it's STILL hanging on--I felt great when I got up this morning. It may not be evident from the above, but I think this is key: to have enough before the evening danger period so I don't instantly want to scarf down the wine and carbs.
I have an EKG (just routine) scheduled for 11:00, so must jump in the shower now. After the doctor's, I'll go to Shop-Rite and will get stuff I need to KEEP ON TRACK.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...