Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow very pretty and annoying as hell. I understand it hit a record in NYC where Mike is--over 26 inches. But never mind--yesterday and today were such fun. Yesterday, Larry and Helen came over for lunch instead of dinner (made sense so they didn't have to drive in the dark) and we had a wonderful time together. Served the shrimp, plus cold cuts and salad. Later, I just picked here and there and, I'm afraid, treated myself to the dried jackfruit, guava, and mango Mike brought from Singapore, the rest of the rainbow sherbet, and various and sundry other goodies--all the height of foolishness for a WW member, especially one who has to get weighed tomorrow.
Today: Pat and I just got back from meeting Larry, Helen, and friend Jack for breakfast at Dynasty Diner. Angelic Rosemary had oatmeal (albeit with whole milk, but only about 4 ounces), grapefruit juice, and coffee with two half-and-half creamers. Altogether, it totaled 6 points, 2 more than usual, but not bad at all.
Saying goodbye to our Florida family was hard. Larry is a wonderful brother and friend and Helen a super sister-in-law. Hope to see them again before too long. Incidentally, Jack is leaving for Fla. tomorrow and will spend a week with L. and H. while there.
Today, I intend to stick pretty much to the program. Must do a lot of wash, go to the post office, clean up, etc., so will be plenty busy. Will try to think of something for dinner both good for me and agreeable to Pat--not as easy as it sounds.
Tomorrow? Well, it can just take care of itself.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...