Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Day After The Day

I've really been neglecting a lot lately, being so involved with A for A. Yesterday, I started making up for it. I put all the myriad paperwork for the course away, stowing it in flat cartons on my closet shelf. Tidied up the rest of the bedroom and want to start deciding what I'll sell at the garage sale next Saturday.
I'm okay with losing the pound and a bit more a week I've been doing, but I know I can increase that--I'm shooting for two--if I go back to my walking regime. Okay, Mimi, start back at Kimball, and I did. Because I was so revved up after the show and late dinner, I didn't get to bed until about 10:00, so didn't wake up until 7:45, later than I prefer. By the time I walked the walk at Kimball and had breakfast, it was after 10:00.
Nancy called to ask how the show went and we had a nice chat. Sharon called just after, to mention I had said she could keep her script, but then I took it with me. No, no, I said, you can keep the binder, but I don't want my copywrited work out and around, which she understood and accepted.
Went to WinCo and got myself broccoli, apples, Romaine, cauliflower, sweet peppers, onions, and four boxes of delectable blueberries, which are getting to be my new addiction. I was pleased to get a call from big brother, Jim, and chatted with him for twenty minutes next to the cantaloupe bins.
Got home and made up a big salad for lunch, then cut up the cauliflower. Added olive oil, non-salt seasoning, and Parmesan cheese, and set it to simmer in the smaller slow cooker. I was determined to add to my walking total, so drove to town and parked in my usual on Thompson Street.
Walked to the library and and ran into Marie M. there; chatted with her for a bit, then sat and read. Walking back to the car, I stopped in a few stores. I almost bought a stone rabbit for the patio, but came to my senses in time. Main Street was crowded with people, dogs, street musicians, and a general air of holiday, which I greatly enjoyed.
Cooked up my salmon and had that and the slow cooker cauliflower for dinner. I slept pretty well, although with some restlessness, and got up at 6:30, which was good.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...