Monday, May 08, 2017


After going out a lot last week--not to mention my chronic leaning toward not-so-benign neglect--I realized things were getting messy around the apartment. I was determined to get something concrete accomplished and dry-mopped the hard floors, dusted, then took all the office supplies out of the drawers and put them on the kitchen table to sort and organize.
This sounds easier than it really was. I had tape, rules, stamps, paper clips, rubber bands, magnifying glasses, and the scillions of related items in four different drawers. This included my computer desk, t.v. table, and two side tables in the bedroom. I didn't start until after lunch and it took me several hours to get it done.
After that, I just had to get out and I drove to Office Depot for printer ink, then to the Dollar Tree to check out binders. What I want to do is to have the players use uniform binders for their scripts--maybe I'll change colors for male and female--so there isn't a lot of fumbling and rustling of paper during the performance. I'll submit a bill to SCAN for this, along with the rest of my expenses. I didn't buy them yet, in case some drop out and I have to modify the plays, but I'm prepared to do that.
When I came home, Suzanne invited me in and we sat and talked for a half hour or so. She said she had been to two parties over the weekend--"why, Suzanne, are you hung over?" I asked. Of course not, as she doesn't drink, but she got a kick out of that.
One of the parties was the annual shindig for St. John's (which was founded by the Sisters of Mercy) at the Ronald Reagan Library, where I've been. It was a big deal and Suzanne herself presented one of the awards. She attended with three colleagues of hers, whom she said she'd like me to meet. After I left her place, I walked over to VONS to get TracPhone minutes and blueberries.
I'm continuing to work on the class; tomorrow, I'm going to use the easel. I'll ask the group for components that are usually needed for both plays (script, actors, set, etc.) and players (voice, gestures, facial expressions, etc.). I'll then give out playlet roles to the few who didn't get them last week and this time. I also plan to announce that next week, I'll distribute parts for the show.

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