Friday, March 17, 2017

Good Day

A good, good day. Went to SCAN at 10:30 to attend the reception for the new director, Letitia Alverez. Boy, what an improvement over the last, Stuffed Shirt Steve! "Lety" was so welcoming, personable, and altogether nice to know, I was charmed. There was quite a spread: sandwiches, soda, a huge chocolate cake, and cookies, but since I'm determined not to eat away from home for at least a time, I skipped.
It was great that Marsha M., the big gun from Long Beach, was there. She greeted me with a handshake and a hug and asked if I could meet with her a little later to discuss my acting class. Sure thing, and after mingling a bit--my friends, Carole and Doris, were there--we sat down together.
We discussed the course (for 55 and over), with my recommendations for when (10:30 for four consecutive Tuesdays in May) and which room I'd prefer. That took me a while because SCAN is a large building, but there are offices upstairs and the health and wellness area on the first floor is limited. It consists of one very large room and two much smaller ones, as well as a sort of medium one and that's what I chose. If I have only ten or dozen people, it's adequate, but if more, probably isn't. It does have a whiteboard, so that will be useful.
We then got down to money (attendance will be free, but SCAN will pay me directly). Marsha asked me what I was looking and I named a figure about half again higher than what I got at Stockton State. She agreed to that and I was pleased, but a little surprised. The Stockton course was ten sessions of an hour and a half each and this will be four of an hour each; that's exactly half the amount of time. However, considering that was a few years and there's inflation and so on and so forth, I think it's pretty reasonable. Anyway, I'm elated about it and SCAN is going to start running notices and ads shortly.
Another win was with Suz in the afternoon. I had asked her to see me and went over to her office at 2:00. I laid out what I was concerned about; beside some other questions, I told her I need direction on what, exactly, my duties as vice chair of the Ventura Council for Seniors actually are. I made clear that I wasn't agreeable to taking on a lot of (unpaid) work and she assured me I'll be in an advisory capacity only. Okay, fine by me, and I told her I was agreeable to submitted an application to serve on one of the city commissions, which is entirely separate.
I always enjoy Suz, one of the most voluble, energetic people I've ever met. She has a vocabulary like a drunken sailor, a trait I find intensely attractive, for some reason. Guess I'm tired of sweet little old ladies who think "heck!" is a naughty epitaph.
Anyway, we came to a real meeting of the minds, and I left much reassured. Changed again when I got home and went down the beach. Took my folding chair and sat just looking at the waves and listening to the surf. However, a chill wind was blowing in from China--or wherever--and I stayed only a half hour or so.
Note: I got up late (almost 8:00) and my computer had a problem, so I'm late posting this. Must run off to T.O.P.S. now.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...