Wednesday, November 30, 2016

This and That

I got up at 12:30 for the usual, then couldn't get back to sleep for what seemed hours. So I just got up at quarter after eight--darn!
Yesterday, I had p.t. at 11:00. Tory gave me two new exercises--ugh!--but I'll do them. Of course, she also had me do various other strengthening maneuvers. I like her alot, so I try to do my best with following her instructions. Stopped at WinCo for a few items and at Bed, Bath & Beyond to return the curtain rod I found I can't use with the verticals.
Lunched, then I took my clothes to the laundry place. After I retreived, folded, and put the, away, I hopped in the car and drove to the library. (Just as I suspected I'd be, I'm already uninterested in Audrey, so I took her bio back without opening it.) I had been notified that the book I requested, the historian Chalmers Johnson's The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic had come in and I was glad to pick it up. Johnson died a few years ago, a great blow to pacifist intercourse. Also picked up Christopher Reeve's Still Me, which I've read before, but like. Reeve grew up in Princeton and, as the world knows, suffered a riding accident that left him a quadriplegic. Maybe I'm interested because I lived near and had an office in Princeton, so I'm familiar with the area. Also, my cousin had the same injury after a car accident.

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