Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Variety

Walked Kimball. Spent an inordinate amount of time choosing and sending out e-cards for Thanksgiving. This is the first year I didn't buy and send, at least to the children, but I just forgot about it. It was kind of fun sending the electronic kinds.
Went to Vons for shortening and unsalted butter for the pie crust, plus whipping cream for the topping. This is so easy to make--even with a whisk, but especially with a hand mixer, I don't know why people settle for the ersatz stuff.
Got a communication from the bank to the effect that my tenant (who sends the rent check directly to my account) had put the correct amount in numbers, but had written it out as six hundred dollars less. I know from my long-ago days at the Ventnor City National Bank, that if there's a difference, they use the amount written out. I know this was an accident, so I'll send Eileen a copy and a letter of explanation, then she'll send me the extra.
Oh, good grief! That last sentence is a good example of old-lady thinking. Correction: I'll scan the letter and send it as an attachment to Eileen, along with an explanation.
Worked on the play for a few hours. I'm trying to solve a knotty problem that needs fixing, but I think I'm getting it. There's nothing so absorbing to me as writing; damned hard work, but more satisfying than anything else when I get it right.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...