Sunday, January 17, 2016

No Note

Not a lot to note. Did a few things around the house and went to the store for various. I actually did take a two-hour nap after lunch; felt more lively when I got up. Took a drive late in the day, just for relaxation; I still love to go up in the hills and look down the valley to the Pacific Ocean and Channel Islands.
Things perked up later when Ellen called. Greg's mother is much better and back home. El and I made plans for today, a truncated version of what we had planned last Sunday.
Got a very welcome Skype call from Tokyo, where son and his son, Mr. K., were in a car at a gas station. (You have to pump your own there, too!) Mr. K. was not terribly interested, but said "Hi" and later, "Bye" during the short cyber-visit.
After that, I was pleased to get a call from my friend in New Mexico. They've been having snow, she said, but I guess not in the abundance you get elsewhere.
So I heard from three of my four children. The other I kind of "heard from" indirectly, as my tenant keeps getting mail for him and his wife, although I've told him many times to change the address. Well, you just have to keep repeating things for errant children, I guess.

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Julie picked me up at 9:15 and we went to the BCNN meeting. The program. by the owner of Otto & Sons Nursery in Fillmore, was on growing...