Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Whatta Day

Gawd, what a day!  I spent most of it driving here and there on urgent errands, such as getting more Tracphone minutes, receiving Walter, who brought over a fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide monitor, and zooming to Manahawkin to take Comcast's equipment back.  Called Eileen, my tenant, to see if she could come over today; later, changed it to Thursday, much better for me and, she said, for her.  Anyway, all this crapola took almost the whole day until I left for a goodbye dinner party about 4:15.
Now things started looking up:  My twinnie, Betty, Helen C., Mary H., and Muckie D. treated me at Outback.  I had steak, which was pretty good and a Blue Moon, which was excellent as ever.  We had a good time together; these three are probably Betty's besties, and I've known them for a lotta years myself.  I'll miss them, just as I'll miss a lot of others, but I must be about my new life.
Stopped at the cemetery on the way home--but to what purpose?  I don't really think Pat's "there" in any true sense of the word, but even so, I felt just a tiny pang of shame that I was leaving him in Jersey.  Silly, but there it is.
Back in Little Egg a bit before 8:00 and I stopped at the library for the third time.  Can't get along without the computer, that's a cinch.  I no sooner sat down when my friend called to ask if I wanted to go to the lake on Saturday with the darling boys, my great-grandsons.  Yay!  I was hoping I'd get another chance to be with them, so I'm looking forward to that.
The above was on Tuesday; following on Wednesday.
This was a rough one.  Went to Ocean First to get a cashier's check to deposit at Bank of America, but was advised to wait to see if all automatic payments were over first--or something.  Took the escrow check to Bank of America and opened that account.  Also deposited the check from Betty (for the dining room set) in my checking account there.  Had trouble understanding how to switch automatic payments to B of A, so will see if my son-in-law can help.
Called Humana (drug insurance) just to change my address and was put through the most horrendous, idiotic, and stupid phone call, first with a person (sort of), then with a recording.  This went on for almost an hour--beyond belief.
In the meantime, my friend was cleaning the refrig and later, she and I slaved away cleaning the rest of the house.  The C.O. guy came and said I need new fire detectors; friend went and got them and put one in, but wasn't able to do the other three.  I called Bill to see if he would or if he can give me Matt's number. 
And hey, a lot of other lees-than-pleasant things went on, I just don't feel like recording them.
I'm now at the Stafford Library--just thought I'd vary the formula from Little Egg. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...