Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Goodbyes, a Bed, and Chinatown

We left at 9:00 for LAX and boy, the traffic was extreme.  Made it by 11:00, though, and met Mike there.  Of course, Vivian rushed into his arms and they had a fine reunion.  We waited, chatting with them, for about an hour, then Ellen and I said goodbye to our darling niece and granddaughter.  Parting was eased a bit by the knowledge that Mike and his whole family will be back in December.
El and I stopped at a restaurant for lunch, then at several mattress stores on the the way home.  After comparing deals, I decided on a double bed at Sit 'n' Sleep and got a good buy on it.  It'll be delivered tomorrow, which is--ta-dah: move-in day!
We stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond for a mattress cover, then home about 4:00, which seemed so quiet in the absence of vivacious Vivian.  Puttered around until dinner, which consisted of Gregg's fabulous pasta/pesto, left over from our little dinner party on Monday.  El and I watched Rachel Maddow until said chef came in at 7:00 after work; I asked if I could see his DVD of Chinatown, about my favorite movie and, I think, close to perfection of that ilk.
Gregg put it in, then he and Ellen went out for a walk in "Charterville,"* even though it was practically the middle of the night (about 8:30).  I contentedly watched Jack, Faye, and that little rat, Roman Polanski, and the two were back in time to hear those deathless words,"forget it, Jack--it's Chinatown."
*They like to walk in a certain area of Ventura near where Ellen's friend lives.  Her last name if "Charter," so Gregg dubbed it in her honor.

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