Wednesday, November 27, 2013

E-Mail Problems

Oh, damn, damn, double DAMN!  There's something wrong with my e-mail: It won't send and when I try, it greys out the whole bar.  Nor will it save to draft or do other things.  I think it receives, but am not sure.  I don't know what to do.  This is the worse possible time for this to happen when I want to send an e-mail about the show next week to friends and neighbors, plus get my airline tickets, plus a million other things that have to be done on e-mail.  Grrrrrrrrrr!
Aside from that: Went to Acme at 8 am to get the things I need for the pies and so on.  It was somewhat crowded even then, I guess because of Thanksgiving combined with the storm that's supposed to be coming (but it was just lightly raining when we walked this morning.) 
Got my hair colored and was horrified to be billed sixty bucks.  This is just for color and blow out, no cut or anything else.  I'm going to think twice about going there.  I'm spending a lot of money, no question about that.  I've had to charge most things to the BOA credit card and I'll probably have to tap into Vanguard to pay the bill.
Stopped at the library and found we couldn't get in at 6:45 after all, so I had to send out a correction to my first message and tell the cast to come at 7:15.  Picked up Aline and we went there.  Kathy had called to say she'd be late and Louise e-mailed that she didn't want to drive from her home in Egg Harbor. That was okay; Kathy got there in time to play her guitar selection and I filled in for Louise.
More bad news: I was told last night that Hedda has been cancelled.  Desi can't find the right male lead and, even though it wasn't scheduled until April, he decided to drop it.  We have Surflight Theatre for then, so I hope we'll try another play.
I must try to get help to get this computer working--damn!
UPDATE:  All is saved!  All is well!  My darling older boy, Big K.'s Dad, skyped me and guided me through remedying my e-mail.  I can send!  I can attach!  I can turn cartwheels!  (Well, I'd like to turn cartwheels, I'm so pleased.)  What a gem of a guy is my Kyoto King!  (Couldn't think of an appropriate match for "Tokyo.")

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