Thursday, November 07, 2013

Busyness And The Peace Pilgrim

Got most of the Ugly Duckling stuff finished; now I just have to tweak Mary Jo's narration a bit and figure out the blocking.
Went to Manahawkin for various errands.  Stopped at the thrift store and bought a nice large basket--I'm a sucker for baskets--and at other stores for this and that.
Assembled some of the dolls I'm displaying at the "Our Collections" event at the clubhouse, including my Linda from yea, many years ago.  I was given her when I was six and I actually ironed a few of her clothes.  Today, I must pull together some of my Dionne Quintuplet collection, as I'm displaying that, too.
Cut up onions and garlic, added it to the ground turkey I bought the other day, stir-fried, then put it together with the leftover pasta.  Tasty.
WIDER:  Went to the library and picked up Wanderlust, the book I requested, recommended by my son in Tokyo.  It includes the chronicle of "the Peace Pilgrim," Mildred Ryder, the remarkable woman who walked 25,000 miles to promote peace.  She wasn't young when she began her journey and continued it into her seventies, when she was killed in an accident.  Maybe we should  compare her to the human horrors in office, who rake in millions while laughing and clowning with their international cronies, having manicures, consulting with the cook on what to serve at the state dinner, teaching little Johnnie how to lord it over others, then excusing themselves--oh, they're mannerly, so courteous they'd kill you with kindness--to ponder how much more death and destruction they can rain on people not so fat, not so powerful, not so evil as they.  I'm proud to have marched with the peace pilgrim group and to know Mildred's sister.  Helene, now in her nineties, lives in a small, very modest house in Egg Harbor (not to be confused with Little Egg Harbor, where I live) about 30 miles from here, where Mildred also grew up.  When will we erect monuments to her and put her face on a postage stamp and weep and sigh at the commemoration of her death?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...