Monday, September 03, 2012

Spontaneous Day

I thought I'd be spending a quiet day, but about 9:00, the phone rang.  My darling niece, Joan, was calling to say she and Jim were on their way to Atlantic City (down from Suffen, NY) to see her cousin on her Dad's side perform with his group.  Would I like to meet them there?  Sure thing!  His gig was from 1 to 3 and I said I'd drive down sometime within that time frame.  Joan said they were meeting Betty for brunch.  Started down about 1:00 and was almost to Albany Avenue when Betty called to ask if I'd pick her up.  I did, then drove to "The Beach Bar" in A.C.
It was fun to see (and hear--was it loud!)--the band, which played mostly Beatles songs, but especially to be with Joan and Jim.
We met the cousin, Brian Conover, during the break.  Very nice guy, who teaches music and theatre arts in the Galloway Middle School.  They resumed and we watched and listened until their part ended.
I wasn't anxious to stay on the island long, so drove Betty home and left.
Got home to find a message from Susan asking if I'd like to go to dinner with them.  Why yes, sure, naturally, as long as we got separate checks.  Walked across the street at 6:00 and we drove the short way to  Mystic Island Casino (no casino, just a restaurant).  We all ordered hamburgers with bourbon sauce and "frizzled onions," a delicious specialty of the house.  I had a Blue Moon and Susan and Walter had Merlot.
When our far-ranging conversation veered toward the political, we wisely, I think, sent it elsewhere.  I don't think it's putting too strong a point on it to say we're diametrically opposed, but we can still coexist.
Anyhoo--got home for yet another enjoyable interlude, my weekly Skype call from Ellen.  Had an enjoyable time seeing her, then turned in after a nice spontaneous day, one of my favorite kinds.  
Just got a call from P. and N., in Tokyo, always a pleasure.  This time, we chatted about lots of topics, including the lunar cycle and Your Hit Parade from the fifties.  I'm always amazed at the range of P.'s knowledge.

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...