Thursday, February 03, 2011

Yoicks! Today's the day; guess I'm ready as I'll ever be. Set the alarm for 4:15, but woke up at 3:30. Stayed in bed until a bit ago. First leg of my long journey coming up at 10 of 6: Walter G. is taking me to the Toms River Bus Station, where I'll get the Airporter.
Yesterday, I finished up the myriad last-minute things. The one up north came to say goodbye and I got a Bon Voyage message from daughter, Ellen, phone calls from sister Betty, Marge, and several friends, as well as Skype calls from P. and N. and Mike--twice for Mike, in fact. As ever, loved seeing Vivian and Violet--will see in person all the Asian contingent soon.
Lucille B., my Avon lady, stopped in to bring me my new mascara and stayed to visit with almost-four-year-old Jenna. Lucille played one of my two daughters in Riders To The Sea, and she's a wonderfully talented actress, it seems to me. The reason she hasn't been active with the theatre group lately is because she doesn't ever get a sitter for Jenna, and never has. Now, she's going through a divorce besides, so that must cut in on having her husband be with Jenna at times. In other words, she takes Jenna everywhere she goes, all the time. This was terribly off-putting when we were rehearsing for Riders, and is the major reason she didn't get roles in other productions. Lucille also intends to home school Jenna. Whether all this mommy time is good or bad for the kid, I don't know. I do know it's a bit wearing to try to hold an adult conversation with Jenna around. Anyway, I like Lucille a lot and hope her marriage situation evolves all right.
So long, goodbye, I'm off!


Anonymous said...

ATTENTION READERS: FYI that Mimi made it to Tokyo. Talked to her a couple of hours ago. I'm sure she will be posting soon of her adventures.

Pat said...

Yay! Thanks for the update Anon.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...