Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mike went to Hong Kong today for a meeting, as he does frequently (four-hour flight there, four hours back), so I was on my own. Had an enjoyable day exploring various places. Went to the Singapore National Library, a large building with all the latest in library amenities. Am now in an Internet place where you pay to dollars (Singaporean) for a half-hour on the computer. There's a free one at the hotel, but for some reason, it won't let me sign into this blog--I did yesterday's entry at Mike's.
Speaking of yesterday, nanny Vickie, assisted by nanny Grace, made a wonderful dinner of chicken cordon blu (dunno how to spell it) last night, accompanied with rice, a big salad, other sides, and wine. 'Twas delish.
And, okay, speaking of wine, I just came from the Fairmount's every-evening wine and appetizer spread on the 23rd floor. I just made the appetizers--pasta, ham, little rice squares, plus chocolate fondue and other desserts my dinner--heavenly!
Tomorrow, Mike, Paula, and I have lunch reservations for a fancy restaurant down by the waterfront. Also tomorrow (evening), Vivian will join me at the hotel for a sleepover--what fun! Then we all live for Vietnam on Friday.
Note: I really like Asia. It still seems a mysterious and somehow hidden part of the world. Singapore's first language is English, which makes it easier to get around in than Japan and, of course, I'm being greeted everywhere by smiling, courteous people. But what are they thinking?


Anonymous said...

For the 100th time, it is V-I-C-K-Y. Vicky.

In fact, I've never even heard of anyone spelling it any other way.

Pat said...

I think the sleep over is precious for both of you. We were wondering what the first language is.
Is chewing gum still a felony?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...