Saturday, August 28, 2010

Staffed the LETCO table at the Seaport last night. It was quite enjoyable, with a blue-grass band, a fair number of people, and a balmy night. Our table, though, could have been a lot more imaginative and we could have sold a lot more snacks and drinks. Franklin and Rose were the other two "selling" and, frankly, I'm not sure of the wisdom of having three people our age representing the theatre group. One or two, sure, but together, we totaled a lot of years and if we're trying to attract more young members, let's face it--. Well, I'll leave that thought incomplete.
We sold two tee-shirts and I bought both of them. I think we totaled $10 in sales of edibles, and exactly one person signed up for the e-mail newsletter. The lack of identification (several people thought we were with the Seaport), indifferent display of snacks, and absolutely no promotion meant a lackluster showing. It seemed pointless even to show up. According to Franklin, we were invited to sell things "every other week," but why bother?
Oh, well, it was fun, anyway. Saw Tara K., that dear girl, and met her MIL, who has a weekend place in Sunrise Bay. Tara took a picture of me (I was wearing my Ivana outfit) that she says she'll post on Facebook--aagh! She also offered me a beer, but I declined, assuming Franklin's disapproval. Now I'm annoyed with myself for that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...