Saturday, August 14, 2010

Finally got the front flower bed weeded. I had been waiting for rain, but since it NEVER rains, I gave that up. Dennis came again for the dryer; tells me it's now working. Haven't had enough to do a wash yet, but I put a towel in and it seems okay. Ran a multitude of errands and did lots of chores. At 4:00, I decided to go to the pool; did so to find it was locked. Dunno why, but I went in through the clubhouse and took a dip. Sat and read for an hour, then went home.
Was unpleasantly surprised to find in my tax bill an increase of $320. Damn, it went up steeply last year, also, and maybe years before that. I thought it was supposed to be "frozen" at the level of a year or so ago. I'll go to the tax office on Monday and I'm sure they'll have some glib way to show it's supposed to be that high. Talked to sister Betty, who said she pays a lot more than I do.
Was delighted to get an evening web cam call from precious little girls in Singapore. Little Violet is just remarkably fluent for just-turned-two. And Vivian, 6, is going to college! That's the United World College, where she'll start first grade in the fall. Had a nice chat with daughter-in-law Paula, too.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...