Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Went in--my new "in"--at 11:00 and left at 3:00. Dinner with Susan and Walter was postponed, so I was able to go with Vivian to the Wellspouse dinner in Manasquan. Didn't get home until 10:30, then had my little glass of wine, so slept through our 7 am start and didn't walk. No matter, I need the sleep, I guess.
Talked to the pulmonologist. Pat's cat scan showed no lesions or tumors--great news or it would be if his lungs weren't completely shot from the COPD. His breathing seems more labored than usual. They put his oxygen up to 10 liters (it's been at 3), but that can't be done casually, as there's some kind of carbon dioxide problem--just can't remember how the doc explained.
The case manager was in and Pat agreed to go to rehab when he's discharged. (Geez--sounds like he has a substance problem.) Not sure when he'll get out; he's still pretty bad off and we're very concerned that he hasn't been out of bed since Saturday. The physical therapist will be in to see him.
Was delighted to have Pat's old friends (from high school), Bill and Mary S., who live in Florida, visit him while I was there. Their son was in a floor above awaiting a bypass.
Ray and Barb, Frank and Barbara visited him last evening and he got calls from several people. If only all their kindness and good will could get him better.


cemmcs said...


I have my fingers crossed for you and Pat. I hope all goes as well for you as possible.


Mimi said...

Thanks, Carl. We'll just "take her as she comes," I guess--no choice.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...