Monday, August 17, 2009

Had a good, if somewhat hectic, day. Went to Seacrest about 9:00 and stayed until 11:30. I was surprised that Pat was taken to p.t.; didn't think they had it on weekends, but was mistaken. What good it does him, though, is iffy, considering he barely cooperates and sneers at it anyway. He ate most of his breakfast and his whole lunch.
Rushed home, had a quick lunch myself and changed to go to "Evita." Just as I was about to walk out the door, A. and E. (gosh! that sounds like a television channel--heh, heh) called on the web cam. Talked for a few minutes, then went next door.
"Evita" was terrific. We then repaired to The Crab Shack, a new restaurant in Manahawkin. I called Pat and he was fine with that. Had shrimp scampi, which was good. After, Frank and Barb came with me to visit Pat. He said the G.'s had been in, but he was asleep at the time. They left cookies and candy. Leslie and Dennis R. were also there and he visited with them.
Got home about 7:30, got into my bedclothes, and gratefully settled down with my p. and w. Watched t.v. and saw a show on sex changers. Interesting. Went to bed and slept like a log.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...