Sunday, April 16, 2006

Second entry on Easter Sunday: We were disappointed to get a phone call from grandson Joel to say Jen is sick, so they're not able to come today. They promised to come next Satuday for week-after-Easter, so we can have the treasure hunt for Joely then.
Alison and Mike are here--or rather, are running near here. They got to our house about 12:00, then left for a 23-mile run--still training for the marathons they want to enter. I would have gone with them for a usual 20-mile run, but 23--nah. (Hmm...I can't run 23 feet, let alone miles.)
Decided to skip the ham I had been planning on and will just have shrimp, lunchmeat, potato salad, rolls, devilled eggs, and a few other things. Have cake thawing, so it will be casual--and now only four of us, I'm sorry to say. I told Pat I'm pretending we were just having Alison and Mike for lunch to begin with, so I feel better.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...