Monday, April 17, 2006

It turned out to be a very enjoyable Easter yesterday. Alison and Mike got back from their 23-mile run, took showers, then we hung out until I served an early dinner of shrimp, etc., as I mentioned yesterday. I made a delicious rice dish (Alison can't eat potatoes) I found on the internet. It's essentially long-grain (slow-cooking) rice cooked in chicken broth, with Italian parsley and butter added--really good.
After dinner, we all hopped in Mike's car to go back over their route and collect the water and Gatorade they had left in several places. It seems incredible that they actually ran that far! Just saying, "They ran 23 miles" simply doesn't register wheras when you follow the same route--down Radio Road to the end, back up, then down Great Bay Boulevard all the way to the end there, too, then back to our house--it's hard to grasp that they actually ran that far--whew!
Pat doing okay, although he seems still to have some congestion. We hope the new antibiotic he started Saturday will clear up the lingering problem; otherwise, he feels pretty well, but his stamina isn't great .
Will go to exercise today with Susan. Not sure what to serve for dinner, but will probably finish leftovers from yesterday for lunch. Would like to freeze the ham, but not sure it can be done; will look that up on the internet.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...