Saturday, April 01, 2017


After T.O.P.S., I went to El's to pick up the visitors and take them to the 99-cent store. Among other things, Mr. K. got some "super dough," a knockoff of Play Dough, I guess. After lunch at my place, he enjoyed using it and smooshed two together for other colors. Took him to the play area here and, among other momentous events, K. saw some boys who had captured a lizard. (Ugh!)
Went back to Ellen's, hung out, and did this and that. Mr. K. decided the patio should be swept again and proceeded to do the job with the assistance of Daddy. Aunty Ellen got home and we decided to go for pizza for us and Thai food for her. We all went over to the shopping center where the two restaurants are located and ordered, then went back to eat dinner.
Mike, Paula, and Violet Skyped us when we were just about finished and we had a nice virtual visit with them. By that time, it was after 8:00 and I left. Now it's 5:25 am and I'll go to Ellen's shortly for the trip back to LAX. How we'll miss that little guy.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...