Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Widder Dinner of the Month

More damn rain came down, although there was little wind and it was sporadic.
I vacuumed--my least favorite chore in the universe--and dusted. (I can't imagine where this cleaning frenzy came from; something must be wrong with me.)
Drove to Smart 'n' Final for ground turkey, as I have a yen for it sauteed with onions and garlic; got salad stuff and a few other things. Managed to get a wash in the laundry place and luckily, as I went to and fro, the rain was either just misty or non-existent.
Drove into town and picked up some books for Mr. K., plus a furry throw I couldn't resist. It looks like mink, although considering the modest price, it surely isn't. It was silly of me to buy it, as I have several other throws, but maybe our visitors can use it.
Called to get a hair appointment, which I wanted for tomorrow, but Amanda isn't in until 2:00 and I have a meeting at 3:30, so no. Made it for today at noon instead. Called Diane at Jessica Nails and made an appointment for tomorrow, also at noon. The meeting I'm going to after is to discuss the Ventura Senior Citizens Master Plan and is at the conference room by Suz'es office at VACE.
E-mailed niece Carolyn and nephew Steve to ask if they'd serve as surrogate sibs and come see the Tokyo Trio when they're here. Carolyn and family are going to Colorado, but I hope they don't leave right away; she'll call me shortly.
Went to the widder dinner. A new guy, Jeff, came. He's pretty young--maybe 55 or so--and lost his wife only two months ago. The regulars were there, plus some relative newcomers, including Pam (not Chuck's Pam, but a different one). She's also young*, early fifties, maybe, and very vivacious. She's an environmental lawyer and her husband was a musician who died of an accidental drug overdose. I sat next to, and chatted with "Suzy," who's in real estate, but also writes books. Sounds interesting, but she's actually somewhat of a bore. Titus, as usual, stayed quietly under the table.
Nancy didn't come, but I didn't expect her to, as it was rainy, if not continually rain-ing.
* Yoicks! When did I start referring to those in their fifties as "young people?"

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...