Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Spent most of the morning 1. doing two loads of wash and all that entails and 2. on the phone with A T & T arranging to switch over from Communications Services (in truth, "Non-Communicating Non-Service"). I was happy to be interrupted by a call from my favorite artist, Nancy P., who's in Soaring Spirits, also. In fact, that's where I met her, but she wasn't able to go to Monday dinner, as she lives all the way in Oak View and would have been nervous driving home in the dark. I told her all about Gay Gary and other goings-on in the group. She suggested we meet for lunch tomorrow at The Cave, and I agreed with pleasure.
A T & T told me I had to get permission from the complex to install something or other, so I went over to see Jim and got some kind of slip. I mentioned that fellow-resident Linda had told me Ventura Del Sol was owned by "middle easterners" and he said, no, it's owned by two brothers, one of whom lives in Ventura, the other in Santa Barbara. Well, that's nice to know; I like the idea of just private people being the owners, rather than some big conglomerate in Upper Japip.
Came across some pictures of the Renz family (my aunt married Ed Renz). I'm in touch with my Renz cousin's widow, so e-mailed her to see if she's at the address I had. She wrote back she is and I'll send them to her. Her children and grandchildren might enjoy seeing them.
When I finally finished with "business," I went to Michael's to buy the last two frames for my kiddies' caricatures. Drove from there to the library; I had picked up a bio of James Dean the other day, but started it and found it boring--I don't care if he was gay or not--so took it back and got three others I may or may not enjoy.
Picked up the mail and was glad to see the book Suzanne had given me, sent by Betty's daughter-in-law, Robyn, from L.A. Was also glad to see my new business cards ("Acting for Amateurs," instead of "...Everyone,") until I checked at them and saw the print on the back (listing some of my stage and play writing credits) is so tiny it's almost unreadable. I know this is my fault, but I was able to proof it only on-line and it didn't appear like that. I'll call Vista Print today to see if they'll spring for printing me new ones--might as well try.
I had bought some nice fresh tuna at Smart 'n' Final and for dinner, just seared the outside and lightly cooked the inside. Squeezed one of those wonderful limes that grow a few feet away, and it was scrumptious.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...