Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fun Day

I couldn't figure out how to get my pictures from California off the camera and into the computer, so asked Walter for help.  He came over after Susan's and my walk and seems to have transferred them, but now I can't find them on either Vivitar or Picasa.  This seems to happen ALL the time: I add pics, see them on Picasa, go to look for them later, and can't find them.  At least Kodak allows you to bring up "last added"--grr!  Appealed to P., in Tokyo, for help, asking him to assume command of my computer.
Stopped at the library about 11:00 to find they were having an "edible books" program in the meeting room at 2:00.  No, that doesn't mean participants tear out pages of Bleak House and chew them up, but that members of the library staff would "illustrate" book titles with food.  This was being run by and for Friends of the Library, an organization I hadn't joined, but I was urged to come anyway.  Decided I would and did.
Wow, what an unexpectedly fun event!  There were about 20 entries, all of great originality and creativity.  There were cupcakes with icing that resembled meatballs over spaghetti for Clear, With A Chance of Spaghetti And Meatballs, a cake house with Flowers In The Attic, coffee fudge and several other coffee confections for Four Types of Coffee, and incredibly, a sheet cake that faithfully copied one of Monet's water lily paintings (from a book of paintings).  One of my favorites was two hot dogs with buns sticking out of a beer stein.  The book?  Frankenstein.  The other non-dessert entry was also very imaginative: Two martini glasses filled with ripe olives and a twisted lemon slice for Oliver Twist.  After plenty of time for viewing--and ohhing and ahhing--attendees were given generous pieces of the entrees.  All were delicious and clearly homemade.  Members of Friends of the Library were asked to judge them based on appearance, faithfulness to the book title, taste, and so on.  I joined, paying my five dollar dues on the spot, but didn't fill out a judgement sheet, as it seemed a lot of trouble and I knew there were plenty of others who would. 
I was pleased to see several Sunrise Bayers, including Mary S. and Virginia H., fellow Breeze editorial staff members, and Frank and Barbara D., from next-door.  Sat with Mary and we had a good talk, including our shared disdain for an mutual acquaintance.  (I love that old saw, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend.")
Home about 4:30 to get a call from Aline about her and her sister, Susan's, day at the air show in Atlantic City.  Invited them to lunch at SeaOaks and then to the matinee of Annie today and both accepted.  Will pick them up about noon. 
Enjoyed a Skype call and good talk with Ellen, capping off a fun day, made even better because much of it was unexpected.

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Did a few chores in the morning, then took myself across the street to Nails L'Elegance for a long- overdue pedicure. The place was all ...