Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Still layin' low, but pretty okay. Bought two pairs of white slacks, but will take both back; I didn't want to take the time to try them on and neither are what I want. The heck with it--I'll wear what I have.
Ran into Betty H. at the supermarket. She lost her husband last year and told me another neighbor I know slightly just did, also.
Meeting Betty, Hazel, and former schoolmate, Peggy, today for lunch. I also said I'd go to the mystery theatre meeting tonight; hope Frank goes, too. I had e-mailed him to the effect I'll help backstage with the "Hedda Gabler" (maybe that should be in italics--can't remember) production and that meeting is tomorrow night.
Wider: The subject of some of my loudest yammerings is television and here's just a hint of good old Ralph's opinion:
"Television today—over the air and cable—with the usual exceptions, could empty the dictionary of disparaging adjectives. Some times slots—such as daily afternoon talk-entertainment shows—are so bad, so sadomasochistic and exploitive, that they escape the media critics. Why would Tom Shales—the insightful Washington Post critic who writes like a dream—want to apply his talented eye to shows that invoke the Latin phrase “res ipsa louitur”: the thing speaks for itself?"
But he has so much more that's pertinent in the full essay on that topic at at

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...