Saturday, June 24, 2006

We got a terrific anniversary gift from Singapore son, Mike: Four beautiful filet mignons from Omaha Steaks. They come frozen in a foam container with dry ice and are about 5 oz. each. We don't have a grill, so we told friends Ray and Barbara we'd like to share with them if they'll cook them, then come over for dinner.
Pat's health about the same. Even slight exertion, such as putting on his tee-shirt, leaves him breathless for several minutes. Rose, the visiting nurse, was here yesterday. She's a good person, and very conscientious, but aside from taking his vital signs, recommending some minor comforts, and encouraging him to move around more, there isn't much she can do.
We went to the endocrinologist Thursday and he adjusted Pat's insulin dosages. I hope this improves his blood sugar levels. Monday, we see his primary physician and Tuesday, the pulmonologist. I have an 9:30 eye doctor appointment myself this morning. Must get Pat up by 8:00 and complete all the early chores before I go. Alison offered to come down for respite care either today or tomorrow, so I can go somewhere, and I asked her to come tomorrow. If it rains as it's supposed to, I may ask her to just help me with various chores I can't do myself.
Went to Manahawkin yesterday to return the shoes and slippers I had bought Pat; got a new pair I hope he can wear. His feet are often swollen because of the edema and his shoes are hard to get on.
I was delighted that also yesterday, I was able to finally clear out my crammed closet in our room. Put winter clothes in my huge suitcase, and will store it in the guest room closet, which I also started cleaning out. Took lots of stuff to the thrift store and feel virtuous as hell in getting around--finally--to going through the things that have been "stored away" since we moved here. Now to tackle the study closet and desk--ugh!
Got a nice message from Cincinnati cousin, Marifran, who has a refurbished web site--very interesting and attractive. Take a look at

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...