Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Busy day, but I got a lot done. I spent most of the morning sweeping and otherwise cleaning up the patio--that was a lot easier without the items I had removed the other day. I was pleased to get a text from Leslie R., my friend from down the street in Sunrise Bay. I responded right away and we'll talk soon.

Called the Public Guardian to talk about Jim's situation. The person there suggested I call Adult Protective Services, but I have to think that over. Texted Jim's friend, Roy, to compliment him on sending the two books on Maria Callas to Jim.  

Made my lunch and had every intention of busing to the mall and eating there, then picking up a few things at Target. However, after I packed my cart and started off, I was dismayed to realize it was a lot cooler than it had been--only in the low sixties, cloudy,  and little too breezy to be comfortable. Reluctantly, I looped around to Von's for veggies, lentils, and sweet peppers, as I want to make lentil stew in the slow cooker. Then I went home and ate there. 

Took a short nap, but was awakened by Lorraine calling. As usual, she had all kinds of complaints about the roofers and everybody else who crossed her path in the last few days. I listened, commisserated, and immediately forgot about it after we hung up. At that point, refreshed, I decided to go back to Von's, as I was out of onions and needed  them for the stew. Did so and it was then too late to start the slow cooker, so I'll make it today. 

Stopped at the office to drop off a copy of my renters insurance, but was told by Libby the company needed to "verify" it; she said they can just call her. 

I ordered from Werther's the sugar-free chewy candy I like, so should get them shortly. Got a text from Ellen with the exciting news that her realtor had scheduled her first open house on Sunday! She asked if I was free then, as presumably, the owner shouldn't stay around. I responded immediatly that I'm always free for her and she'll come over. We'll go shopping or something and out to lunch--yay!

I forgot to put this on Tuesday's post. In the S.P.A.R.C. shop in town, I saw a woman with her pet parrot on her cart. Hey, I prefer to see birds in stores, rather than dogs:

His owner said his name is Gabby, although he wasn't gabbing at the moment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Went over to the office in the moirning after texting to try to figure out the new "Loft" site where residents can pay their rent. There's a new assistant community director who, presumably works under Kim, and I dealt with her. Initially, I had called and become frustrated and angry; when I went over there, though, she was so pleasant and accommodating, she charmed me. More important, just like Kim, she's intelligent and knowledgeable, and I liked her a lot; her name is Libby and I'm sure I'll see her again. Anyway, that particular problem seems to be solved; now I have to look into my renter's insurance to see if I have to do anything else.

Glad to leave business matters behind, I did some food prep: juiced and zested two lemons and two limes, stowing some in the freezer and some in the fridge to put on my seafood dishes. I then peeled and separated a sumo orange to have it ready for breakfast (must get more of those). Finally, I washed and sliced a pound of strawberries and put them in the freezer. I still have some in the fridge that I'll put on my oatmeal this morning.

I called Stella and we chatted. It's still not clear to me what her physical problems are, but she seems to go to the doctor a lot. We'll meet up some time in the coming weeks for lunch. 

Packed lunch and bused to town, stopping in S.P.A.R.C. to buy a new purse and chat for a bit with the clerk there. Her name is Anna and she's very accomadating; also got some Easter gifts for the little girls in Rancocas. Ate across from the mission, as usual. It was very quiet in town, as it always is on weekdays; also, schools are on spring break, so there were few kids on the bus. 

I'm considering going to WinCo today and possibly to the Target nearby. However, first I have to attend to the list of 👉Things To Do👈 I've complied. Wish I had a secretary...

Monday, March 24, 2025


 The crossword was pretty absorbing and I got most of it. Made my lunch and took off to meet Diane for our lib lunch. Crossing over the footbridge, I was reminded of one of the reasons I like it here so much. This is directly across from my apartment complex; the street leads to the footbridge I cross to get to our lib lunch: 

It's Campbell farm/rance, which grows lemons and avocados.

I was early and stopped into the library first; took out three nonfiction books. Met Diane and we had a good time, as ever. The weather had turned beautifully sunny and way up to the lower seventies. Sitting outside, we both took off our coats and settled in to one of our far-ranging talks. This session was a long one--walked home and saw it was almost 4:00. 

Had dinner early--about 5:30, then just fooled arund with this and that until time for my one hour of T.V., then bed. Must turn my attention to some paper and housework today--ugh! 

Sunday, March 23, 2025


Overall, a good day. Ellen came about 1:00 and we chatted for a bit, then took off for Oxnard. We went to The Lazy Dog for lunch, a place I like aside from--well, the dogs people bring. They can be only on the patio, of course, I'm happy to say. Anyway, we both had cheeseburgers, El iced tea, and her mama had--what else, an IPA. It was recommended by the cute server Adam, and was very good. The name: Giggle Juice. 

From there, El took me over to see Jim. I didn't want to stay long and she didn't want to go in, so I was  just there for ten minutes or so, which was plenty of time for me. He seemed pretty good--for Jim--and I was pleased to see two books on Maria Callas on Jim's table. His friend and former student, Roy, had given them to him--what a nice gesture.

From there, we went to the huge "Super Wal-Mart" to get an item the one in Ventura didn't seem to carrry. I also got a six-pack--always like to have some stored in the fridge. Ellen then helped me with a huge task: As I had mentioned before, management sent out a notice that buildings one through nine  would be power-washed, starting on Tuesday and all possessions--furniture, plants, grills, decorations, and everything else, would have to be remoed from patios. Okay, but I sure as hell wasn't putting them inside. I had already put a few things on the walk leading to my front entrance and Ellen did most of the rest of it. She then swept the patio and now it's cleared and cleaned; let's hope I'm not asked to move the stuff.

El left about 5:30 and I set up some of my small succulents on the coffe table in the living room . It looks pretty good, but I'm not sure if I'll keep them there or not.   

Friday, March 21, 2025


I was the biggest loser yesterday: lost 2.8 both at home and at T.O.P.S., for weights of 125.8 and 126.6, respectively. It was, as usual, what I call a meandering meeting--we read something about protein, but it was mostly talky-talk-talk. I was sorry to hear Bev is going to be gone for some time, maybe for good. Her husband is showing increasingly serious signs of demenitia and she's going back to her hometown in Minnesota for some reason; their son will stay with him.

I had put in a white wash and dry before I left, so folded and put them away when I got home, then did a color one. Had breakfast, then dealt with my dreaded tasks: Calling Vanguard with Michelle's question and contacting Primary Medical, plus the dermatology. It's too long and boring to go into all of it, but I got the Vanguard question settled and found out I have a derm appointment in May, so I'll just wait for that.

A text came from management that the new owners are now going to have the buildings power-washed and all items need to be taken from the patios. Well, good luck with that; I'm certainly not putting them inside, but will have to figure something out. 

Income tax finished, I'm thrilled to say. I'm getting a bit  more back than last year from both the feds and California (Jersey ain't giving me nothin') No big deal, but it's always nice. 

💕Ellen's coming today and we're going to drop some things off at GW, then lunch out--yay! 💞


 As noted, I spent about an hour at Asurion (good thing it's just across the way)/ Having forgotten my password book the first time, I had to retrace my steps, but oh, well, things seem to be working. I gave Bryce a twenty-dollar tip, I was so grateful for his help. I think--and fervently hope--that all is well with this blog now.

Aside from that, I went over to Von's for various and sundry, then made my lunch and ate in the middle.  It was so enjoyable: quiet, except for the roofers and they were a distance away, with lovely blue skies, and temp hovering around seventy. I didn't get to it until 3:00 pm, but no prob.

Having been notified by SCE (Southern California Electric) that electricity would be off from 9:00 pm last night to early this morning (for repairs, I'm assuming), I filled my three aluminum bowls with water and put them in the freezer. They froze and kept the frozen foods cold enough to be able to eat later.  I just checked and yes, they're fine. 

As I put on the Wednesday post that seems to have disappeared forever, I received these two cards. The first is from, of course, the Tokyo Trio, with a nice little joke on Japanese pronunciation:

The second is a little peculiar, considering it was mailed on March seventeenth, three months after Christmas. This is from Ken and Sheri, who are on the board of Dudley House and the main movers and shakers behind it. Sheri, however, has been having some problems lately, I'm sorry to say. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025


Okay, Tuesday was a wash when I didn't post at all. 

On Wednesday, I went to see Michelle, my tax accountant and brought the crapola to do my taxes. They're not finished because I have to get in touch with Vanguard to ask them something. After, I went to Ralph's for tuna packets (on sale), then ate my lunch by the fountain and the seagulls. I put my account of Wednesday under the old messy "hereincal" thing, but I'm putting that behind me. Happily, Ellen called--the photographer was there to take pics of her house, which will be listed shortly--and we made a date for Wednesday.

Just got back from Asurion, where Bryce brought this back to life, but I was there almost an hour. Let's fervently hope I'm able to just continue on my routine--if this shows up, I guess I can. 


Busy day, but I got a lot done. I spent most of the morning sweeping and otherwise cleaning up the patio--that was a lot easier without the ...