Busy day, but I got a lot done. I spent most of the morning sweeping and otherwise cleaning up the patio--that was a lot easier without the items I had removed the other day. I was pleased to get a text from Leslie R., my friend from down the street in Sunrise Bay. I responded right away and we'll talk soon.
Called the Public Guardian to talk about Jim's situation. The person there suggested I call Adult Protective Services, but I have to think that over. Texted Jim's friend, Roy, to compliment him on sending the two books on Maria Callas to Jim.
Made my lunch and had every intention of busing to the mall and eating there, then picking up a few things at Target. However, after I packed my cart and started off, I was dismayed to realize it was a lot cooler than it had been--only in the low sixties, cloudy, and little too breezy to be comfortable. Reluctantly, I looped around to Von's for veggies, lentils, and sweet peppers, as I want to make lentil stew in the slow cooker. Then I went home and ate there.
Took a short nap, but was awakened by Lorraine calling. As usual, she had all kinds of complaints about the roofers and everybody else who crossed her path in the last few days. I listened, commisserated, and immediately forgot about it after we hung up. At that point, refreshed, I decided to go back to Von's, as I was out of onions and needed them for the stew. Did so and it was then too late to start the slow cooker, so I'll make it today.
Stopped at the office to drop off a copy of my renters insurance, but was told by Libby the company needed to "verify" it; she said they can just call her.
I ordered from Werther's the sugar-free chewy candy I like, so should get them shortly. Got a text from Ellen with the exciting news that her realtor had scheduled her first open house on Sunday! She asked if I was free then, as presumably, the owner shouldn't stay around. I responded immediatly that I'm always free for her and she'll come over. We'll go shopping or something and out to lunch--yay!
I forgot to put this on Tuesday's post. In the S.P.A.R.C. shop in town, I saw a woman with her pet parrot on her cart. Hey, I prefer to see birds in stores, rather than dogs: